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Green Initiatives

Committed to the Environment


At Green WastePro, we care about the planet. We feel a responsibility to leave it to future generations in better shape than we were given.

How We Think Green

Green Education

Green Education

At Green WastePro, we recognize the importance of educating the younger generation. By teaching children at a young age to be environmentally aware, you are building lifelong habits that could potentially make a dramatic difference in the future of the earth. The activities and resources include methods for reducing waste and trash, information about product consumption, recycling tips, facts about pollution and its effects on the environment and global warming statistics.


The aim of the project is to train school-age participants to become critically-minded climate ambassadors who create an awareness in and outside the school for sustainable consumption, transport and energy.







Campaigns for Recycling


The best way to improve recycling is to communicate how easy and effective it is to consumers. In addition to our ongoing partnership with the Ilala Municipality that provides valuable incentives to our residential customers to recycle, we've also partnered with HPH on the "Recycling Begins & Ends with You" campaign. The result is a multi-faceted advertising campaign designed to reinvigorate the recycling "brand", and generate awareness and understanding for recycling. 


Ultimately, we want to alter the way Tanzanian's recycle by transforming it into a daily social norm. That's a big task. To get there, these campaigns feature an array of messaging and media channels to provide strong calls-to-action for everyone.



Motivate Tanzanian's to recycle


Residents with access to curbside recycling


Recycling provides universal benfits - maximizes resources and improves quality of life

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